Daily Picks: 28/06/2012
Challenge: To build a multi-stage platform game using Stencyl (now installed in SC1!).
I know Jake has already been using this so he's the man to beat!
Prizes will be awarded last week of term!
1. You cannot submit another persons work as your own (you will need to explain and show evidence of how you created the game).
2. You can use Stencyl, Scratch or any other games development software.
3. The game must have multiple levels.
Deadline: Friday 13th July.
Getting started with Stencyl? Click Here!!
Computing club,
Daily Pick,
Gaming computer...
Looking to get a new computer for gaming I have been looking on the market and have came with this outcome???http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Venus-AMD-FX-Quad-Core-4-2Ghz-Windows-7-Gaming-PC-1tb-8gb-DDR3-ATI-5450-1gb-/150836607708?pt=UK_Computing_DesktopPCs&hash=item231e8ffadc#ht_2470wt_1150
Daily Picks: 20/06/2012
This looks like fun...!!
A game that allows you to shoot bits of 'Javascript' from a gun in order to create your own game.
A game that allows you to shoot bits of 'Javascript' from a gun in order to create your own game.
Daily Picks: 19/06/2012
Note to self: dont leave computing club alone with an open computer!!
Computing club dismantling a CD Drive. |
Seen better days... |
Computing club,
Computing Club this week (week beginning 18/06/2012)
Hi guys,
Just to let you know that Computing club will have to take place on Tuesday 19th June as I will not be around after school on Friday 22nd June.
As Ben suggested we will be looking at the inside of a computer!
Mr O'Callaghan
Just to let you know that Computing club will have to take place on Tuesday 19th June as I will not be around after school on Friday 22nd June.
As Ben suggested we will be looking at the inside of a computer!
Mr O'Callaghan
Daily Picks: 17/06/12
A day early, but hey Ive found a great video!!
Apple launched the beta version of iOS 6 last week and they also have a new Mac Book Pro coming out too!
If you want to learn a bit more about the inner workings of a computer then watch the video at the link below...
The video shows Apple's innovative design team at their best!!
Apple launched the beta version of iOS 6 last week and they also have a new Mac Book Pro coming out too!
If you want to learn a bit more about the inner workings of a computer then watch the video at the link below...
The video shows Apple's innovative design team at their best!!
Daily Pick 16/06/2012
hello all, my name is luke and i like to make games in my free time so ive decided to post some of the games ive made click here to play to my first ever game and next time i will give you a link to the game im working on at the moment
see y'all, Luke kouzaris
Chrome Experiments
Chrome experiments is a free website that has interactive games, programming tools, html table maker and much much more!
Check it out.
Chrome experiments is a free website that has interactive games, programming tools, html table maker and much much more!
Check it out.
Google Glasses
Watch the video below to see what google are meant to be realseasing this year!
Daily Pick 15/06/12
Hello Guys! My daily pick is a tutorial on how to make a html 5 game.
This is a tutorial from Net tuts they have thousands of programming tutorials.
Daily Picks: 15/06/2012
Whilst trawling through the web this week looking for computing tools I came across a new on-line tool by Google... It's called 'Google Blockly' (I keep wanting to call it Google Broccoli but have to remind myself it's 'Blockly'!!).
It is a drag and drop programming tool similar to Scratch but this allows users to translate their blocks as JavaScript and other languages. So for example you can create a simple program by dragging and dropping different colour blocks and then click a link to see what the program would look like in JavaScript.
Have a look a Google Blockly here...
It is a drag and drop programming tool similar to Scratch but this allows users to translate their blocks as JavaScript and other languages. So for example you can create a simple program by dragging and dropping different colour blocks and then click a link to see what the program would look like in JavaScript.
Have a look a Google Blockly here...
Computing club,
Daily Picks 13/06/12
Code Avengers is a fantastic javascript teaching tool that Is very similar to Code Academy, But it is only for Javascript.
It Has lots of tutorials, and is an excellent Precursor to Waterbear (see a previous daily pick).
Thanks for reading!
Remember, we have a computing club on Friday the 15th of June, and it will involve branding the computing club across Google, Facebook, Twitter, ect.
Batch Battle Sytem
Here is my batch battle system!
set en1hp=20
echo You were attacked by a snake!
pause >nul
goto fightem1
echo You have %hp% health
echo Snake has %en1hp%
echo 1 Attack
echo 2 Drink potion
set input=2
set /p input=...
if %input% equ 1 goto attackem1
if %input% equ 2 goto drinkpotem1
goto fightem1
set /a en1hp=%en1hp% - (%power% + %weappower%)
if %en1hp% leq 0 goto killedem1
set /a hp=%hp% - 4
if %hp% leq 0 goto GameOver
goto fightem1
if %pots% lss 1 (
echo You don't have any potions...
pause >nul
goto fightem1
set /a hp=%hp% + 50
set /a pots=%pots% - 1
goto fightem1
echo You killed a Snake!
echo you gained 7 exp and 6 gold
set /a exp=%exp% + 7
set /a gold=%gold% + 6
pause >nul
goto box
echo Yes, you have beaten your first ememy in the forest
goto box
Thats what I use taken from my batch game!
This battle system is completly customizable and you can change the variables to what ever you want.
set /p name=Enter your name:
goto set
goto set
set hp=100
set exp=0
ser exptill=50
set gold=0
set weappower=3
set lvl=1
set power=3
set powergain=1
set pots=2
goto em1
:: # ENEMY 1 ##########################################################################set hp=100
set exp=0
ser exptill=50
set gold=0
set weappower=3
set lvl=1
set power=3
set powergain=1
set pots=2
goto em1
set en1hp=20
echo You were attacked by a snake!
pause >nul
goto fightem1
echo You have %hp% health
echo Snake has %en1hp%
echo 1 Attack
echo 2 Drink potion
set input=2
set /p input=...
if %input% equ 1 goto attackem1
if %input% equ 2 goto drinkpotem1
goto fightem1
set /a en1hp=%en1hp% - (%power% + %weappower%)
if %en1hp% leq 0 goto killedem1
set /a hp=%hp% - 4
if %hp% leq 0 goto GameOver
goto fightem1
if %pots% lss 1 (
echo You don't have any potions...
pause >nul
goto fightem1
set /a hp=%hp% + 50
set /a pots=%pots% - 1
goto fightem1
echo You killed a Snake!
echo you gained 7 exp and 6 gold
set /a exp=%exp% + 7
set /a gold=%gold% + 6
pause >nul
goto box
echo Yes, you have beaten your first ememy in the forest
goto box
Thats what I use taken from my batch game!
This battle system is completly customizable and you can change the variables to what ever you want.
Daily Picks: 12/06/12 - iOS6!
Daily Picks 10/06/2012!!
Hope everyone has had a good half term!!
I spent the weekend running 32 miles around Dartmoor in the rain... But it was fun!
Todays pick is a tool for programming Javascript and its called WaterBear. Its very similar to Scratch but programs specifically in Javascript. WaterBear has drag and drop functionality much like Scratch, but it also allows you to see and edit the Javascript generated by the blocks.
If you have worked your way through Code Academy or Code Avengers, this is a good 'next step'!
Good luck!!
I spent the weekend running 32 miles around Dartmoor in the rain... But it was fun!
Todays pick is a tool for programming Javascript and its called WaterBear. Its very similar to Scratch but programs specifically in Javascript. WaterBear has drag and drop functionality much like Scratch, but it also allows you to see and edit the Javascript generated by the blocks.
If you have worked your way through Code Academy or Code Avengers, this is a good 'next step'!
Good luck!!
Daily pick 09/06/12
Hi all!
Sorry, I cannot do much today, but I will do another daily pick, as always!
Today, It is the open pandora, which is a open source Handheld linux pc with Retro game emulation
This review is by Dr Ashens, who is a quite famous "youtuber" who reviews old games and Poundland tat.
Warning: This, and many other of his videos may contain strong language, please watch at your own caution.
Don't like Ashen's rambling? Well Look at the official website: http://openpandora.org/
Sorry, I cannot do much today, but I will do another daily pick, as always!
Today, It is the open pandora, which is a open source Handheld linux pc with Retro game emulation
This review is by Dr Ashens, who is a quite famous "youtuber" who reviews old games and Poundland tat.
Warning: This, and many other of his videos may contain strong language, please watch at your own caution.
Don't like Ashen's rambling? Well Look at the official website: http://openpandora.org/
Thanks, Ben
Daily Picks 08/06/12
Hey Everyone!
This Is just a quick One, as I have to scoot off soon for my birthday Dinner, but here is a link to a Fantastic Game Called Bloxorz.
Its a fun Puzzler that Can really rattle your brain. http://www.coolmath-games.com/0-bloxorz/index.html
This Is just a quick One, as I have to scoot off soon for my birthday Dinner, but here is a link to a Fantastic Game Called Bloxorz.
Its a fun Puzzler that Can really rattle your brain. http://www.coolmath-games.com/0-bloxorz/index.html
Daily Picks 07/06/12-Shooty Shooty
Strike force heroes is a fantastically addicting Side scrolling arena 2D Shooter with 4 classes with over 65 weapons.
Strike Force Heroes
It is made by the same Devs that made raze 1 and 2, yet it has a distinctively Humorous Vibe to it.
Remember, Tomorrow is my Birthday, I would like to see some kind of Cool programming project either on the 8th or any date up to the 15th.
Strike Force Heroes
It is made by the same Devs that made raze 1 and 2, yet it has a distinctively Humorous Vibe to it.
Remember, Tomorrow is my Birthday, I would like to see some kind of Cool programming project either on the 8th or any date up to the 15th.
Daily Picks2: 06/06/2012 - Today the Internet gets a lot bigger!!!!
Daily Picks: Raspberry Pi?! 06/06/2012
Here's an interesting video about the Raspberry Pi (a very affordable computer!!)...
I believe this is great for young people, especially in today's economic climate! However if you already have access to a PC to program, would you want a Raspberry Pi as well?
Post your comments guys!!
I believe this is great for young people, especially in today's economic climate! However if you already have access to a PC to program, would you want a Raspberry Pi as well?
Post your comments guys!!
More Daily Picks!! 05/06/2012
Batch game programming seems to be quite popular at the moment. Here's a link to another tutorial on how to create a trivia game...
Daily Picks 05/06/12
Hi everyone!
Now for a vs daily picks
Pspad Vs Notepad++
These are both great free coding environments, which both have good points and bad points.
In the comments write what is your favourite, and recommend other free Coding environments.
Now for a vs daily picks
Pspad Vs Notepad++
These are both great free coding environments, which both have good points and bad points.
In the comments write what is your favourite, and recommend other free Coding environments.
Ben Hughes,
Daily Pick,
Notepad ++,
Just A Quick Update!
Hope you are having a great half term, I sure am!
It is my Birthday on the 8th and I already have got a 16 inch, flatscreen tv, and a desk.
I am currently in cornwall now, and its rainy, so what would be a fantastic present is a Website, Game or some other coding or programming project be it on batch (im looking at you charlie), Css, Html, Jquery ect.
Thanks, ben
Hope you are having a great half term, I sure am!
It is my Birthday on the 8th and I already have got a 16 inch, flatscreen tv, and a desk.
I am currently in cornwall now, and its rainy, so what would be a fantastic present is a Website, Game or some other coding or programming project be it on batch (im looking at you charlie), Css, Html, Jquery ect.
Thanks, ben
Daily Pick 04/06/12
This is one of the best puzzle games I have ever played! Cube Mayhem, it combines wits with skill.

Ca be found on Armor Games at...
Ca be found on Armor Games at...
Daily Pick 03/06/12
Todays daily pick is http://w3schools.com/
w3schools is a useful site for coders and it has html, javascript, PHP, jQuery and much much more!
Have a great sunday!
w3schools is a useful site for coders and it has html, javascript, PHP, jQuery and much much more!
Have a great sunday!
Charlie allward,
Daily Pick,
Daily Pick 02/06/12
Today's pick is http://www.codecademy.com/#!/exercises/0
This is a helpful website to improve your coding skills in Javascript, Html, and python.
Have a great jubilee weekend!
Batch Quiz
If you would like to learn how to code a batch quiz, watch the video below!
To make it playable, you have to save it in notepad as "All Files" and called it Quiz.bat
Daily Picks: 01/06/2012
We've come to the end of the first term of computing club and in a very short space of time I've seen some excellent work!!
Here's a couple of visual programming sites for you to check out...
1) Google io - to access this site you must be signed into a Gmail account.
2) Lightbot - great way to learning about sub-routines. This is also available on the App Store, it's called 'RoboLogic.'
Have a great half term - good luck with the J-queries!!!
Mr O'Callaghan
Here's a couple of visual programming sites for you to check out...
1) Google io - to access this site you must be signed into a Gmail account.
2) Lightbot - great way to learning about sub-routines. This is also available on the App Store, it's called 'RoboLogic.'
Have a great half term - good luck with the J-queries!!!
Mr O'Callaghan
Daily Pick,
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