Hope you are having a great half term, I sure am!
It is my Birthday on the 8th and I already have got a 16 inch, flatscreen tv, and a desk.
I am currently in cornwall now, and its rainy, so what would be a fantastic present is a Website, Game or some other coding or programming project be it on batch (im looking at you charlie), Css, Html, Jquery ect.
Thanks, ben
Hope you are having a great half term, I sure am!
It is my Birthday on the 8th and I already have got a 16 inch, flatscreen tv, and a desk.
I am currently in cornwall now, and its rainy, so what would be a fantastic present is a Website, Game or some other coding or programming project be it on batch (im looking at you charlie), Css, Html, Jquery ect.
Thanks, ben
Hahah, I'm at Cornwall now, when I get home I will post the battle system I use for my batch game!